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 If you haven’t already noticed, yes I did in fact shave my head. It’s crazy to think that’s been almost 3 months ago. You might be wondering why I decided to shave my head and why I’m just writing a blog about it now.
 I’ll answer the second question first: I literally have no explanation other than I simply haven’t. But sitting here this morning, the Lord said it’s about time you explain yourself-and that leads into the answer to the first question.
 The Lord also highlighted this verse to me this morning from Matthew 6:33a which says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Most of you probably know that I’ve had long hair for the majority of my life, and you probably also know that I’ve donated my hair 3 times so far. This is where the verse comes in.
 I love long hair, and I believe God wants me to enjoy having it, but I need to seek after Him first and foremost-not outward beauty, but rather inward beauty.
 So God has been cleansing my heart deeply, and telling me that I don’t hold identity in my hair, so I should be fine without it. On September 10th, just barely a week after X Squad had arrived for 6 weeks of Training Camp, about 14 of them decided to shave their heads. I personally thought it was a great idea, and for most, a beautiful (though hard) sacrifice and a sign of their dedication to the Lord. But, as I had put in the group chat of the Squad a month earlier, I had chopped 20 inches off over the summer and I did not feel the need to shave my head.
 But, the Lord has a funny sense of humor, because seeing everybody shave their heads, He said, “Get ready to do the same. You will be able to seek my kingdom better and dive deeper into my word without the distraction of your hair, and you will be able to view it in a new light when it comes back.” I thought, “Lord, are you kidding me right now? Ok.” So, an hour later, after praying about it and really making sure that I heard the Lord’s voice, my head was shaved-and I felt free. I’m gonna be perfectly honest, I didn’t hold a lot of identity in my hair and I will be happy to see it grow back, but it is so nice to not be tempted to think about my appearance, but to serve the Lord without hindrance from the way I look outwardly.

So, signing off for now
Grace Yoder

One response to “The Beauty of Seeking the Lord”

  1. So glad to hear your updates and that your seeking after Him first. Love you, and continued prayers for you and your team.