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January 7th, 2024

Just a small update on my time here in South Africa so far! We made it in one piece, and were greeted warmly by our hosts and sandwiches after a long couple days of travel.

We were given a few days to relax, explore, settle in, and promptly get sunburnt at the beach. We were also allowed time to get used to the shock of moving continents, and this was first evident by the fact that on our bus ride from Port Elizabeth to Jeffrey’s Bay (home for the next two months!), the majority of the squad was shocked to see the first Walmart since leaving the U.S. in October.

Other shocks for me personally have included the people. You can’t help but love them, but going from the genuine friendliness of Cambodia and Thailand to South Africa where the people have more of a wall around their hearts is hard. It only deepens your hunger to see every person in a relationship with the Lord.

I’m so excited to see how the Lord is going to use us during our stay in Africa, and I hope we have the good sense to step into the full potential that God is giving our squad.  Africa has been so good to us in our short time here, and our hosts are so loving and want us to step deeper into the responsibility they know we can handle!

Blessings in Christ,

Grace Yoder

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