
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

October 8th, 2023

 Coming back to Georgia from a week of ministry in Florida, helping with disaster relief from Hurricane Ian which devastated the area of Harlem Heights in late September of 2022, I have a rush of thoughts going through my head.
First of all, I am deeply grateful that my team had the opportunity to be able help with the restoration of a house in Harlem Heights. In just a week, I felt like I was closer with my team, because we were not just sitting in a room learning how to be be the hands and feet of Christ, but we actually got to apply that in daily life together.
 We had the opportunity to install baseboards, paint the walls of the house, and install the kitchen cabinets. Something that deeply impacted me, was the fact that we had the opportunity to write scriptures on the walls before painting them. The owner of the house we were helping restore was not a believer, but that house was literally blessed and covered in prayer by the Agape Guppies. One of my favorite things we got to do was on the last day, instead of starting a new project in the little time we had left and not being able to finish it, we spent the last 15 minutes covering all of the rooms of that house in prayer.
 Another thing that deeply filled my soul was the night we got to worship on the beach. We had the opportunity to invite people around us to worship with us, and several people had the Lord open doors for them to minister and pray with some of those people. To see the body of Christ being absolutely undignified for Him is just so uplifting, to know that we are going to give everything in our lives over to the Lord no matter what the world thinks of us and be willing to share our faith with anyone and everyone is so inspiring.
 Harlem Heights will always have my heart. I am looking forward to how the Lord is going to soften my heart even more towards serving every nation, tribe and tongue and I am so excited in growing deeper and deeper in relationships with my team!
 Blessings,                                                                           Grace Yoder