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This morning as I was reading my Bible, I pulled out a thank you note from inside of the front cover, where many of my treasured notes and memory verses are stored.

I read it, and it struck me so vividly because it was basically just thanking me for my friendship. It was thanking me for something so simple and sweet, but how often do we forget to remember how wonderful the little thingsreally are in our every day life?

So easy it is to look to the future, and forget to hold onto the beauty of living in the moment of what the Lord has set before us for this season of life. So easy it is to forget how valuable friendships are to us until they are gone, and then we unfortunately have regrets.

Live life in the mentality of not giving flowers and lies at a funeral, but giving a simple note or word of gratitude and speaking the truth in love to those you value and love so much before it’s too late.

Will you reach out today to that person that’s been on your heart and mind, will you remember to embrace this season that God has you in even if it’s not what you had envisioned, will you listen to the words of James 1:22, “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. “, will you step away from the typical American mindset of fending for yourself and lean into the words of the Father and the community He is trying to bless you with?

Being overseas has taught me so much about how other cultures cherish what we tend to view as every day, run of the mill, mundane tasks and how they adore their family and friends like no other. Being in a constant, Christ-centered community has taught me how easy it is to get used to living with each other and not realize how gifted with friendship we are in the body of Christ.

I leave you with this verse, “But as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him-‘, these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” -1 Corinthians 2:9-10, and a challenge to embrace your life, friendships and walk with the Lord like you never have before! When you leave your heart in the hands of the Father, He will you lead you deeper and farther into the depths His love than you could every imagine! Thank you Lord for allowing us to walk with you and realize how beautiful life alongside you can be!


Blessings in Christ,

Gracie Yoder

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